Yes. You need to register the first time you book your ride with GOAMILES.

  • Some important reasons on why you should register with GOAMILES.
  • To help prevent any fraudulent bookings
  • To track all your previous and existing bookings with us
  • To give you personalised booking experience and offers

To create an account, the user has to sign-up on the GOAMILES app using just his/her mobile number. Your account shall be created once you verify using the OTP (One Time Password) received on the registered mobile number given. That’s it, you are ready to GO.

If your Mobile number is already registered on GOAMILES, then also you need to get your OTP every time you login, you do not have to put OTP unless you have logged out and need to LOGIN.

You will be assigned an OTP every time you log into the application, this step is needed from Security perspective & you not remembering password every time.

Allow the app to access your device location, check the setting on your phone to do so. On opening the app, you will be able to view GOAMILES TAXI near your location. Mark your pickup (By default it would be your device location) and drop location (Location where you want to go), choose the preferred cab type for your commute (SEDAN, HATCHBACK, SUV & SUV CLASSIC), and select the CONFIRM option. Post CONFIRM, calculate your ride estimate, AGAINST EACH TYPE OF VEHICLE, then confirm your booking. Simple, Isn’t it?

Yes, you will be able to track your cab’s location on the map before booking & after your booking is confirmed. You can check the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) in which your driver will pick you up from the provided location.

Yes, GOAMILES TAXI are available 24*7.

Yes, you can request for a preferred choice of cab, as SEDAN, HATCHBACK, SUV& SUV CLASSIC. But, there is no option to request for a particular driver.

As of now, you will be asked to cancel your current booking and rebook another cab.

We now have something we have never had before, our own App that is in line with local Goan taxi drivers & wont charge drivers anything at all. Moreover it will give multiple income as we breach the GAP of Tourist/s Passengers multiple time’s need with taxi drivers . This is local Goan Taxi App Service which can be used by local Goan People and also Businesses in State of GOA for their Daily Commute.

Our key Terms & Conditions are as follows:

  • We do not charge for booking
  • We do not revenue share from Driver Earnings
  • Passengers are charged for their conveyance of booking taxi
  • All Duties are commission free
  • Membership to GOAMILES is for FREE
  • You need to comply to GOA Government Rules & regulations to get Enrolled, That’s IT…

We take the conduct of our drivers very seriously and we always expect them to behave in a reasonable manner. At all times we expect our drivers to:

  • Strictly Adhere to the dress code as designated
  • Be courteous and professional to all our customers and members of the public
  • Act in a manner that is not likely to bring GOAMILES into disrepute
  • Presentable manner of cheerfulness
  • Timely Pickup & Drop
  • Communicate with Passengers in friendly manner
  • Fulfil their commitments once they have accepted a GOAMILES Duty
  • Face Disciplinary Action if not adhere to Timely Guidelines & Actioning it
  • Give a Customer Experience that will make them avail our Services Again & Again & Again…

For Cab profile no restriction, For particular driver as per RTO norms [ Max duty hrs ]

Yes, you can cancel at any time. An intimation through email or deregistration link is good enough for cancelling the GOAMILES membership

We are in phase of opening saving accounts for all drivers without any minimum balance to get their hard earned money directly into their bank account

Any Smart phone with Android version 4.0+


As of Now, Policy is flat, We will fine-tune this over the period of time. The policy for premium and peaks hours will be defined in next couple of months based on ground realities, and this will keep evolving.

No Show, INR 50 per cancellation